Sunday, September 13, 2009

Love in sight form...

(i wrote this in a fb note a while ago but here it is..again)
I. I am completely enamored. which is indescribable... there is one thing going through my mind over and over again and i cannot do anything about it nor do i want to, and the more i think about it the happier and more confused/ intrigued i become. recent. very recent. Sunday to be precise. last Sunday. the piece that has stole my heart was this panorama i saw on my weekly pilgrimage to union square, one of my favorite places in my city because of the life, and art and books. it was a black and white panorama matted and framed.. and it was of this little boy. this little Indian boy no more that six or seven , in the desert on the foreground of an endless horizon. clear skies. clothed in white linen, and he hi reading a book to a kneeling elephant. yes. thats it. maybe i am too simple, but i doubt it. the thing about art, all forms, is that it restores my faith in humanity. the faith that politics, capitalism, racism, patriarchy, etc., tear away on a regular basis. i love this piece and i can not have it. i can not find it. the vendor who took it is gone. i searched for it for a few hours today before i headed to a great play on the lower east side. and beyond my disappointment and angst, maybe there is a lesson in it. that being that it isnt even a loss that i missed the opportunity to purchase this piece. maybe its the fact that i cannot physically possess it makes it even more beautiful, and even more amazing. something that i want so badly but cannot have in the exact circumstance that i want to enjoy it just makes me love it even more. it is in my mind and somewhere on my slightly chilled heart, and in this sense i do have it, and i can never lose it. i just keep wondering what is he reading to the elephant, ya know? i elephant never forgets. all i am saying is imagine the possibilities..maybe you will understand.

More art on my radar...
I don't remember which photographer took the picture above..but i think is beautiful.
sue me.

Ananda Nahu. she is just.. brilliant. Brilliant being a tragically unacceptable word, not even coming anywhere close to capturing her genius, but alas.

Its- graffti style..randomly in the alleys, building sides and bridge pillars of brazil. So, since i must see it all... I am saving up for a trip down there to chase and artist, or at the very least her work...

i am lame.

I would actually like this tattooed in my bones.

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