Sunday, February 17, 2008

Mind Screw

I am not sure how many people know Marx in depth, save the communist manifesto because every person who thinks they are even slightly politically savvy has read that. Or any one who has ever had a political theory class..blah. The point is reading the manifesto is barely scrapping the Marx surface. I digress..rapidly. Over simplified- Marx- history of class struggle. All things- the constant struggle between the laborers (proletariat) and those who control the means of production (bougiouse). Alienated labor= stolen labor= labor for profit. The way to eliminate the struggle is for the proletariat to rise up, to get rid of wages. Get rid of wages because a wage never (ever) measure the value of a human being. It sounds bizarre but i mean.. read the german ideology and the manuscripts it could make sense.. i mean.. not in capitalism. But the theory of marx is basically "the cure to capitalism".
Rough Rough and hardly thought out description.

I am just thinking outloud.... but I am getting to a point.

I hope.

Monday, February 11, 2008

Happiness Bubbles Under.

My new obsession.,the quintessential "i'm bored" button, that everyone needs on their tool bar.