Thursday, December 24, 2009

Grinchy Me... circa 2006

Monday, December 25, 2006
So it is that time of year when the biggest parental conspiracy known to man rears its ugly head. Indeed, some obese bearded man, for some unknown reason is to slip down a chimney, and grant you your hearts desire..well, your hearts desire as far as your list specifies. And all that one needs to do is feign goodness. Let's not forget to leave cookies for the likely diabetic (thats smart). And what else? why veggies for the rabid magical mammals on your roof! The leader of said fur posse whose red nose would make him a great candidate for rhinoplasty.
I digress
Christmas, although tainted by commercialism, (by tainted i mean marred irreparably) should be a time when somewhere some how you manage to genuinely smile. If this means food family and gifts, bring it on, if it means just being alone and somehow finding your peace, i endorse that as well.

Merry Christmas kids, I am abounding in love for you all.

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