Tuesday, December 11, 2007


I am utterly exhausted. Easy as that. I had a very...long walk today from Hector street this morning. I started off angry, but walking is a good way to calm down and destress. The problem is, that once you stop walking it catches right up with you. I might have spread myself to thin. Maybe. But that isn't the issue, because I think what I do is good, and necessary and proactive. I like it. What I don't like is feeling like a burden on other people. At the moment im some where at the intersection of befuddled, annoyed, vunerable and Ahgubwah.
I am just so tired of feeling in the wrong, apologizing ad nauseum, especially when I am being or at least trying to be as accomidating as possible. Its a rock and a hard place, because it feels like nothing is insurmountablely wrong while at the same time nothing is tangibly right.
"See what i so much/ should never hurt so bad, never did this before/ thats what the virgin says/we've been generally warned/ thats what the surgeon said/god talk to me now this an emergency..."


1 comment:

Anonymous said...
